She later added, "@MileyCyrusLuver where does it say in the bible to judge others? Oh right. It doesn't. GOD is the only judge honey. 'GOD is love.'"
Cyrus, 18, was responding to a tweet from a fan who asked the artist to "look up Leviticus, 1 Corinthians. Read both chapters and tell me where God says homosexuality, incest, and polygamy is ok?"
After MileyCyrusLuver offered a differing opinion in opposition to gay marriage (citing 1 Corinthians 6:9-11), however, she was accused of expressing hate and flooded with "mean" tweets by others.
Notably, Cyrus asked fans to "lay off" MileyCyrusLuver.
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"Everyone is entitled 2 opinions!' if u don't stand 4 something you'll fall for anything.' :)" the pop artist tweeted.
Cyrus, who has more than 1.8 million Twitter followers, continues to spark debate on the micro-blogging site over the issue of gay marriage.
The former Disney star vocalized her stance earlier this year when she mocked Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum for his opposition to gay marriage.
She tweeted in May, "IF WE ALLOW GAY MARRIAGE NEXT THING U KNOW PEOPLE WILL BE MARRYING GOLD FISH’ - Rick Santorum UO contributed $13,000 to this mans campaign."
The tween sensation and self-professed Christian was referring to retailer Urban Outfitters which has allegedly stolen jewelry designs.
Christian photographer Tammy Hudson responded to Cyrus' tweet by asking what happened to "that Christian girl ... with decent moral values and a lot of heart?"
Cyrus shot back with, "What an ignorant statement. I don't have 'a lot of heart' cuz [sic] I'm not gonna [sic] be a closed minded hypocrite? LOVE IS LOVE. GOD IS LOVE."
Also, during the Casey Anthony murder trial, the singer again backed same-sex marriage with the tweet: "You know the world is skewed when people get away with murdering children but we cant get gay marriage legalized in the state of California."
Her latest tattoo tweet has drawn both supportive comments and tweets from those who disagree.
MileyCyrusLuver, receiving the most heat, responded to critics, saying, "I'm not trying to judge I'm just saying I don't support it. ... not supporting isn't hating ... people call me the hater but yet theyre the ones calling me names."

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